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May 03, 2012



Amen! Well said. Hopefully some good will come out of something so tragic.


After I heard about Junior, my first thought was that I wished there wasn't such a stigma attached to asking for help. If Junior could have just said to someone that there was a problem, he'd still be alive.


A friend of mine is one of the leading researchers into the football brain injury stuff. What he is discovering is truly frightening. High school football players that have never suffered a concussion show significant and measurable declines in cognitive abilities by the end of the season. The good news for the 18 year olds is that they appear to fully recover within a few months. I suspect the 25 year olds in the NFL, being older and taking more damage, don't fully recover each year, and recover less in each succeeding year.

I 100% expect that a clinical connection between the brain injuries and depression will be verified, eventually.

It causing to me question whether or not I should really be a football fan.

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