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August 25, 2012



I think Beckett was always Beckett, moody, petulant, profane. We were just okay with it when he was pitching well. We have very little patience for someone who behaves like a prima donna, but can't actually pitch to back it up. This sends a real message to the team though, if your don't produce you're on the way out. No cow is sacred.


Yes it was time to "shake things up" a bit. Granted this was more like an earthquake. But the end result should be good if the Sox don't blow it by signing another free agent or Jacoby to an outlandish contract (see Crawford, Gonzo, Lackey, Manny et al). The Sox have a golden opportunity to rebuild with the "right" type of players. Let's see what happens. Note: I don't think Josh Hamilton is the answer. Too many demons for a long term big money commitment.


Hey, I'm still not over Bill Mueller.

I was waiting to read your take on this, though, given your Beckettsian proclivities. Did not disappoint.


For the last however-many years, Beckett was always the pitcher I wanted to see when going to the park (I adored him in 2003 with the Marlins... how could I not?). Now? I just wonder what to do with my Beckett jersey. I won't miss him either, but I will miss what he was in '07

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